Thursday, October 2, 2008

Revival = The rediscovery of radical, God-centered Christian living.

"This is what revival is all about—a church experiences revival when a large number of people get red hot about trusting Christ, and red hot about turning to God for help, and red hot about loving others, especially the lost, and red hot about showing the glory of God. That's revival. That's spiritual awakening. It's the rediscovery of radical, God-centered Christian living. And it is intensely practical. It will change more at home and work probably than it will at church."

- John Piper. Excerpt from the sermon, "Practical Help for Praying for Help," delivered on January 3, 1988.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think a lot of people are so intent on bringing about revival that they try to do it on their own. As if we could do anything to bring about revival. Only God will bring it about when He wants to. So what should we do? Focus on Christ, center on Christ in all things. Pray for revival, yes, pray pray pray. I don't think we could pray enough. But focus on Christ always in all things and God will bring it. At least thats what I think. Brad Sharp