Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Gift of Self-Forgetfulness

Just in case you're wondering, I'm aware that I reference and post about John Piper quite a bit. I'm aware of this. You must know that he has been quite significantly used of God in my life over the past few years, and has awakened me to a number of biblical concepts I had not previously seen - or at least, had not yet figured out or "owned". I can't tell you how significant for me has been this phrase: "God is most glorified in me when I am most satisfied in Him." This concept blows me away. And it's true. It's wonderfully true.

That concept, along with many others, have affected my personal walk with Jesus, but also how I view ministry and preaching. In a very real way, my personal walk and my calling to and life in ministry cannot and should not be separated. In the following video, John Piper answers questions about passion in preaching - particularly the passion that is so evident in his own preaching. I am challenged and comforted by his words here...You ought to give it a listen... [Thanks to Adrian Warnock for the interview, and for his excellent blog!]...

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